Tools of cleaning the body from worms and parasites

The parasites infected is not all. Naturally, among the populations of the countries of the third world or island parasitosis suffers literally first, but in addition, in humans, the well-being and hygiene, it is less likely that he is sick.

parasites in the body

Where are the parasites in the body

They have huge amounts reside in the environment. Only we do not see, as their eggs (if it is of the multicellular organism) usually have small or dimensions that are microscopic. And the parasites-micro-organisms and say no. For example, the parasitic fungus Candida is widely represented in soils, natural waters, on the surface of fruits, vegetables, objects, and so on.

All in all, not washed the man's hand, ate half-cooked a chop, mitzi the dog, and got not only pleasure, but also unexpected of a "friend", which will continue to feed and live of his account, and will also be walking from the source of this threat to the health of the people.

Unpleasant prospect, isn't it? And this brings us back to the need for cleaning. At home, you can practice the purification of the body of tar, a variety of teas, other herbal means.

The signs of worms

It should be noted that most of the symptoms of helminth infection are similar to symptoms of other diseases. So established a specialist the conclusion is often erroneous.

Parazitirujushchy the worm has the ability to move actively in the human body.

The most common signs of the presence of parasites in the body:

  1. headaches, on a regular basis;
  2. fatigue unexplained;
  3. constipation or diarrhea;
  4. vomiting or nausea;
  5. the pain in the abdomen;
  6. decreased appetite, resulting in weight loss;
  7. dizziness or without knowledge of the condition;
  8. nervous system disorders, sleep disorders.

A qualified doctor will appoint all the necessary research, construct the rational for the treatment of the individual characteristics of the patient. Based on the results of the research, and taking into account the degree of development of helminths in the body, the weight, the age and condition of the immune system, the specialist will prescribe the most appropriate medicine to remove the body of parasites.

parasites in the body treatment

Inference methods de-worming

Before looking for a way to eliminate helminth parasites from the body, it is necessary to take into account several important aspects. Drug tools, whose action is intended to fight against the worms of the earth, in the most toxic. This medication may cause individual intolerance of a substance to cause allergic reactions, have a number of contraindications.

Folk remedies, for a long time, are defined, the more secure, but it must be remembered that their action is aimed at the destruction of worms, and malicious in the body, which is not, in itself, harmless activity.

For each type of parasitic worms are individual schema of inference to the death of some, it is often enough to a particular drug, while others require an integrated management approach and the long-term treatment. It depends on the cycle of life of malware from bacteria.

The purification of the organism against the parasites at home

If, sometimes, a small sliver recovering from numerous ailments, and the man strives to get out, the more he will try to get rid of pests. But for this, it is necessary to understand what happens in the treatment of worm infestation, and when you can connect to the house ways.

Remedies, you must use it only on the recommendation of a physician, in the early stages of the disease, and in the light of its course.Incorrect use in the house of national resources, may increase the toxicity or lead to complications. The traditional recipes of purification of the human organism against parasites:

  • onion dye. The onion chop. Fill half of the capacity in which he is to breathe. Better to take a bottle or a jar 0.5 l. In a bowl with the onion, pour vodka to the top, leave for 10 days at room temperature. Dye release from the arc. Take 1-2 tbsp before meals two times per day;
  • the decoction of the arc. In this case, the cra is also finely cut. Pour boiling water, leave overnight, then drain. Take a decoction of 100 ml, 2 times 3 to 4 days;
  • the tincture of garlic with horseradish. Cut it into strips 25 g of garlic and horseradish, mix and pour 0.5 liters of vodka and Leave to infuse for 10 days. Periodically, the stain needs to be shaken. Take 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day 1 tablespoon;
  • the enema of the decoction of garlic. Two garlic cloves, crush and place in an enamel bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of tansy, pour 0,5 l of milk, boil for 10 minutes. Then the broth to cool, strain through a cheesecloth. An enema to make 2 cups of prepared liquid. It is recommended to repeat the procedure week;
  • A decoction of herbs. Mix equal parts of chamomile, artemisia maritime, wormwood, tansy. Take 1 tablespoon of this mixture, stirred with 200 ml of water, boiled and filtered. Take 200 ml, 2 times in a period of 3 days;
  • the body purification of the mineral water: this rough recipe a few decades ago applied not only in the folk, but also in official medicine. With the help of mineral water, a diet and sometimes laxatives "chased" the tapeworms. The method has been mostly effective, but it is difficult, because the patients received food for 2 weeks;
  • the tar is a good tool to the outside of parasites: lice, mites scabies. It will confirm any doctor. Some of the informal sources complement each other, that you can dilute with water and take inside for the expulsion of worms from the intestine. The sources are not traditsionnoi medicine claim that it is quite safe to take the birch tar: the purification of the body within a few days, and again, and it has other effects, including anti-cancer. However, it is to be noted that the official medicine doesn't approve of its ingestion. Of even several years ago, it was revealed that the long-term treatment of tar is not a cure of the institute, but, on the contrary, increases the rate of cases of cancer of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • the seeds of clove . Thanks to the enthusiasm of the properties of clove-it is able to stimulate the immunity and to remove parasites. And the burning sensation of this medicine passes quickly:-1-day – take 1/5 teaspoons 3 times per day before meals; the 2-nd day – 1/4 of a teaspoon 3 times per day before meals; from the 3rd To the 10th day – 1/3 teaspoon 3 times per day before meals; after 10 days – 1 teaspoon 1 time per week;

There are a number of plants with paralyzing action on worms, and have a laxative effect. They are widely used in cleaning practices. For example, it is the wormwood, pumpkin seeds, st. john's wort, buckthorn, clove, fruit, green walnut, black walnut and so on. Of them, individually or as a mixture, in various proportions, to prepare herbal teas for cleansing the body, which are updated with a the course of a month.

The cleaning of the organism against the parasites of the recipe of genghis khan

This method takes its name from the famous mongol conqueror, since it is used for the first time the garlic to maintain the health of its soldiers on long walks and hikes. This purification is based on the use before bedtime finely chopped garlic that you need to ingest without chewing. The procedure is done in one of two ways.

parasites in the body of the traditional methods

In the first case, at the end of 2 hours after dinner, it is necessary to eat 2 tablespoons of sauerkraut, pickles, or an apple, then a glass of garlic, drizzled with its brine, any vegetable or apple juice. The Diet of the next day should consist only of the sauerkraut, pickles, and brine. In the second half of the day you need to put an enema of 2 liters of infusion pharmacy chamomile, with the addition of 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar sea salt.

The second, more economical option is designed for a month. During this period, every night, he must eat as in the previous case, but the amount of garlic decreases up to 1 heads, starting with the smallest and gradually increasing its size.

For restoring the microflora after the end of the cleaning we recommend that you enter in the menu dairy products, with bifidobakteriyami or drink after the course of prebiotics. Against such a purification in diseases of the stomach or pancreas.

The purification of the organism against the parasites in the house by the method of Semenova

Pest control cleaning Semenova is carried out in the context of the purification of the bowel each day, in the morning (between 5 to 7 hours) and evening (18 and 19 hours), be sure to put an enema. It requires 2 liters of source, silicon or routine of boiled water at room temperature with the addition of 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tbsp of vinegar cider or any fruit juice, raisins, and fruit.

The first step of the purification of the body: lasts for 3 days. Works according to the following scheme: before the Breakfast buffet and the dinner is consumed 0.5 cups of absinthe infusion (1 tablespoon of herbs 200 g of boiling water) – it is very important not to increase the dose, because mugwort has causing and hallucinogenic properties; each morning, before cleaning enema in the rectum introduced an infusion of garlic, cooked with the evening (1 - 2 cloves rinks 1 cup of boiling water, filtered just prior to application).

The second step of the purification of the body: lasts 7 days. In this period, you need to consume each morning before breakfast, 300 g of pumpkin, peeled seeds. Clean up is necessary, keeping the green of the hull.

The seeds must be carefully chew it and drink 0.5 cups of infusion of herbs. In order to prepare the drink in the evening it is necessary to take 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers and tansy, oak bark, and buckthorn, pour the mixture in a thermos 0.5 l of boiling water, leave until the morning. No later than 2 hours after the consumption of seeds, you need to take a laxative, prepare by adding 100 g of water 30 g of epsom salt. Still 1 hour to put the washing.

The third step of the purification of the body: takes 2 days. This is the last stage, in which appear the parasites from the liver and gall bladder. To do this, use a mixture of lemon juice and the olive oil that you need to take 2 tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach.After the completion of all stages of the course, the deworming is necessary to repeat the 2.5–3 weeks.

But the third step must commence immediately after the second (without interruption). If necessary, you can spend 3-4 classes in a row, iup prophylactic to maintain the cleanliness of the body, every day, taking on an empty stomach, infusion of pest control herbs.

Competent authority a regular cleaning of the body from parasites folk remedies Semenova ensures that the issue is not only "intruder", but many health problems. The positive results of each of these mthodes are confirmed by the comments of those who have passed this purification.

Herbs parasites in the human body

In the system of treatment of the parasites a leading role all the same, right hold of the wormwood, tansy and yarrow. Mugwort – essential tool in the fight against intestinal worms. It even has its own history, as in ancient times, this plant cured many diseases, among which getting rid of pests, it was the main.

This herb is quite bitter and toxic, therefore its taste, it is necessary to first get used, and then to move directly to the more treatment. You can take the powder of absinthe on the inside, and use the stalks to prepare the broth for the enema.

The powder of absinthe began to take small doses. Already on the fifth day, you can chew three times per day before meals, and the fourth time of the night. In order to continue for 2 weeks, gradually reduced the dosage to 1/3 c. If necessary, the treatment can continue for up to a month.

In the same way take tansy and yarrow. You can use them in large doses, wormwood. Herbs for worms and parasites when the application necessarily need to be combined with enemas, as lost, the parasites poison the body of the toxins that need to leave there. The powerful is an enema of the same absinthe. All these herbs have an effect of inference parasites from the body, in the medicine and the name of the herb, which research are parasites.

In addition to the help in the fight against the parasites of each of these herbs yourself, folk medicine, there are a lot of expenses which are not conceding on its effectiveness. And the most famous of them – “triad”: a single dose of tansy – 1 g daily – 3 g of absinthe, up to 300 mg as a single night, 1 g, not more; cloves – 0.5 g per reception, the maximum is 1.5 g per day.

the parasites in the body of the prevention

Prevention measures and general recommendations

For a positive result in the fight against parasites, it is necessary to follow a few simple rules. During treatment, you need to review the power supply.

The consumption of all alcoholic beverages during the period of therapy is possible, because the anthelmintic drugs and ways to deliver the liver a load of extra work that, in the whole of the negative impact on its operation. If a specialist have been appointed to the absorbent, it is necessary to withstand a two-hour interval between the reception desk and anthelmintic activity of fund. Corrode, de-worming, almost immediately state of health of the patient improves greatly.

In order to eliminate the contamination of helminth infections, or even the manifestation of the recurrence, it is necessary to respect some simple rules:

  • respect the rules of hygiene;
  • clean the housing with the application of detergents request for information;
  • the treatment of animal parasites;
  • exclude contacts with stray animals;
  • wash thoroughly fruits and vegetables;
  • use of antibacterial agents;
  • exclude from swimming in water;
  • exposing the meat and fish with intense heat treatment.

The excretion of worm malicious of the body is a very difficult process and requires time. Easier to prevent the appearance of worms, the remove with time. However, the treatment is done very necessary, in order to avoid serious consequences and the development of complex diseases, parasite of the worm is able to cause.